A few days ago I reached out to let you know about three ways you can check in with your hormones (no blood work necessary).
Followed up by my Monthly AMA in which we discussed why women probably don’t need prenatal vitamins, and might even be hurting themselves by taking them.
When we begin to strip away the complexities of our healing, the frequency of our medical appointments, the clamoring towards something, anything that might fix what’s happening… it’s natural to wonder, “Well what am I supposed to do?”
My answer is this: Whatever is simple. And probably hard.
“Hard” as in, it requires all of you.
Your spirit. Your will. Your strength. Your presence. Your tears. Your rage. Your joy. Your commitment. Your willingness. Your grace. Your feeling. Your fear. Your God. Your humility.
All of it.
That is where you heal.
Not in the store-bought-$11.11-trending-now-podcast-sponsored-algorithm-tailored-to-you-and-shipped-free-to-your-door-wellness-cacophony-of-the-new-age.
And certainly not in the prescription bottle of the doctor’s office. But I think you already knew that one.
When I took the big leap of confronting my healing in September, it reinforced what I already knew after many years of leveling up through the various stages of my body’s expressions (anxiety, depression, disordered eating, addiction)—that recovery begins in awareness.
You can’t change if you don’t know you need to. Once you know you need to then all that’s left is a little willingness to get you started.
Let’s explore the difference between a band-aid and a change. Do you see yourself in these lists? What are you willing to change?
Health and Wellness Band-Aids
Hormonal Birth Control
Hormone Replacement Therapies
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Vitamin D supplements
Melatonin supplements
Herbal supplements
“Natural” supplements
Diet plans
Oura rings and all digital sleep/fitness/hormone/heart rate/calorie/step trackers
Blue Blockers
Infrared gadgets
Chiro adjustments
Changes That Facilitate Healing
Being in right relationship with light
Being in right relationship with Earth
Being in right relationship with nourishment
Sweating. Peeing. Pooping.
Healthy orgasmic sex
Feeling everything. Fully. Always.
Alchemizing internal trauma
Embodying clear boundaries
Being in integrity with your actions
Saying what needs to be said
Co-creating healthy relationships
Identifying your needs and meeting them
Managing stress
Taking ownership of your mindset
Moving to a place you actually love
Slowing down
Listening. Closely. Always.
Changing—unlike fixing—requires you to be alive; not mechanically, but spiritually. To be in devotion at the altar of your body and the mission of your soul and the will of your God.
Healing is a promise. So is death. Most people live like neither statement is true.
— Dr. Cassie Huckaby
Step 1. Awareness.
Step 2. Willingness.
Step 3. Change.
All my love,
Brilliant, thank you Athena!