The vital force. Prana. Chi.
The essence of what makes us living is the presence of energy in the electromagnetic ecosystems we call our bodies.
Oftentimes this energy is presented as a black and white entity: you either have a strong vital force or a weak one.
But not all energy is created equal and we are all imprinted by our unique energy blueprints, as reflected in the cosmos.
When looking at the natal chart, the placements of the Sun and Moon are going to give us the first clues about the quality of our vital force.
Think of the Sun as the source and quality of your chi. It represents the nature of your battery pack and therefore, what you’re drawing energy from.
The Moon speaks to the flow of our chi. It represents how that Sun energy will be distributed throughout the body.
Together, they form a unique makeup that shapes how you experience your energy and your healing.
In honor of Aries Season, let’s take a look at the vital force in Aries.
The Sun is exalted in this sign, and therefore the vital force is naturally enhanced, bursting forth with strength and longevity. Aries natives are naturally resistant to dis/ease and aren’t prone to chronic conditions, preferring to complete their healings quickly and efficiently, often in fever. This is one of the longest lived signs in the zodiac (preceded by Taurus).
The vital flow in Aries possesses an enthusiasm and brightness reflective of this cardinal fire sign, however it tends to be short-lived. An Aries Moon will accelerate the nature of the vital force as it is provided by the Sun. This could uplift a stagnant Sun placement or stress an already excited one.
The Sun’s placement is going to be particularly influential for men, while the Moon’s placement is going to be more influential for women.
A “double Aries” (or someone with both their Sun and Moon in Aries) would have an extremely vibrant vital force that moves quickly, with great strength. They are likely to lean towards the Ayurvedic Pitta expression, although there are other components to the chart that could sway this.
I believe through cosmic body literacy we can come into closer relationship with ourselves and how we are divinely designed to be in the world.
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