Welcome to the Seasonal Bulletin—a new series I’ll be using to keep you in touch with the Cosmic Calendar, cyclical happenings, radical resources, and more.
March 19, 2024 11:07 PM ET
Happy New Year dear sisters—and you do realize it’s the astrological new year, right?
While the cultural masses tragically cling to “New Year, New Me” mantras (after 4+ weeks of binge drinking and boundary trampling no doubt), the Wild Women of our time are reclaiming the ancient ways of cyclical living, carefully attuning to the seasons and the stars as they reflect our inner worlds and cycles.
“The Sun, then, crossing the equinoctial line, or equator… is said to bring the first day of Spring, for there is an awakening, a spring-ing up and therefore a resurrection of all Nature. Indeed, very, very few realize anything at all of the sacred out-pouring, a flood-tide of heavenly power, of spiritual electricity which charges not only the earth but all human beings who are able to receive it.”1
Although the threshold into Capricorn season at Yuletide is a potent portal through which we can plan into the year ahead, the months that follow are a time of tending to the fire—keeping the coals of our visions hot, and contemplating, through the art of yin, how they will actualize.
Aquarius season was certainly a time for my own cocooning after the challenges that came in December, and that deep period of darkness turned out not to be a meaningless black abyss, but a fertile soil ready for planting.
At the onset of Pisces season we found ourselves signing a rental agreement on a dream property, and by March 1 we were surrounded by New Hampshire’s beautiful evergreen forests and towers of moving boxes.
What I thought was just a Bridge Manifestation2 turned out to be a vision I didn’t know was possible for me, as more and more of its treasures unfolded by the day.
Now Aries season is here, and with the symbol of the ram—which comes from the Sanskrit word meaning high, as in high in status or caste—comes the season of new beginnings. The season of actualization after all those patient weeks of rest and visioning and tending the fire.
(And for me personally, the mystical season of preconception. Something I’ve been in the outer orbits of for years and is now beautifully and tangibly here.)
What seeds were you planting in the darkness of Winter? What will you make manifest in this season of Spring?
All my love,
Major events for Aries season.
19th • Spring Equinox & Aries Season Initiates
23rd • Eclipse Portal Opens 3:00AM ET
25th • Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra at 5° 7’ 3:00AM ET
Also known as the Crow Moon, Sap Moon, and Lenten Moon.
8th • New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19° 23’ 2:20PM ET
10th • Eclipse Portal Closes 2:20PM ET
17th-21st • Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct within the same degree!
19th • Aries Season Closes
Tune in to the vibrations of Spring.
New resources I’ve come across and find worthy of sharing.
Yoni steaming — rituals for fertility and healing gynecological conditions with Chasca Summerville | Mahasoma Podcast [Listen on Apple]
My favorite conversation on steaming so far!
#21: Tending Ourselves Home: Our Womb, Our Pelvis, and the Mystery of Womanhood with Jasmine Rose | The Cervical Wellness Podcast [Listen on Spotify]
A beautiful conversation on the womb and the feminine.
Criminal Cutting: Beak the Circumcision Taboo & End Male Genital Mutilation w/ Eric Clopper | The Life Stylist Podcast [Listen on Apple]
Important conversation to keep alive until we collectively bring an end to genital mutilation.
All Women Can Have Orgasmic Births | Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami [Listen on Apple]
Goes without saying.
My book stack from this Winter.
Lilith: Keepers of the Flame by Mary Blue [On Bookshop | On Amazon]
Absolutely incredible account of the ways of our ancestresses and their relationship with the Blood Mysteries and sacred sex, all woven into an astrological context.
Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul by Stephen Jenkinson [On Bookshop | On Amazon]
Necessary illumination of what Jenkinson calls our death-phobic culture.
Letting Go by David R. Hawkins [On Bookshop | On Amazon]
The book that taught me how to truly surrender, which ultimately led to the manifestation of our off-grid home in the woods.
Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn [On Bookshop | On Amazon]
For those who are brave enough to pursue reward-free, punishment-free, and bribe-free parenting for confident, conscious children.
P.S. You can now shop my library through two affiliate storefronts. This is a beautiful way to support my work at no extra cost to you!
Some news from our community!
Hello Athena! Thank you so much for checking in. I was working mainly with Milky oats and really enjoyed them. I was also trying to be more aware of my light intake and resting. I took a break from trying to conceive for a few months. I was able to get my cycle to 26 days consistently. In January we tried again and I’m happy to say I am pregnant!
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Carey & Perry | Buy on Amazon