FULL MOON in Aries 🐏
A transit report for the Full Harvest Moon in Aries during September of 2023.
Full Moon in Aries with Mars at the South Node
Warming, with unpredictable hot flashes :)
This Full Moon would be seemingly benign if we didn’t look to its ruling planet Mars, which is conjunct the South Node by 3° in his sign of Detriment (Libra)! Planets conjunct the South Node tend to have all the wind sucked out of their sails, and need sympathetical remedies to bring them back to life.
A South Node conjunct Mars in the natal chart may result in:1
An extreme sex addiction or avoidance
Accident prone individuals
Increased risk in war or surgery
Male erectile dysfunctions
Karma with male organs
More likely to get a vasectomy
Insufficient male sex hormones
Adrenal exhaustion
The South Node represents karma and other past life elements, and Libra is all about relationships. With Mars squaring Pluto (past life desires) and sextile the currently post shadow Venus, this Moon may spark a final interpersonal revelation after the Summer-long saga of Venus Rx.
Let this Full Moon crack you open. All that is illuminated is for the purpose of guiding you forward, never back. Even when you feel like you’re “starting over” or “back at the beginning again”, it is only an illusion of time and space on the spiral journey.
Be mindful of those you allow into your life. Who has access to you and why? What roles are they fulfilling for your own drama?
Allow the climax of this Moon to show you the truth, and feel your emotions through to completion so you can gain clarity on what needs to happen next.
Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology by Judith Hill