If you’re reading this, you’re probably hearing the call.
The call to discover your Cosmic Fertility and embrace the metaphysical wisdom your conception is waiting for.
You hear it because this wisdom lives deep within your cellular knowing—an energetic inheritance passed down from Mother to Daughter to Mother to Daughter since our ancient ancestors lived peacefully under the stars in female- and Earth-centered communities.
Rebirthing the lost knowledge of the Blood Mysteries underpins the art of Fertility Astrology—the central teaching here at Wild Willing Wisdom.
I believe that women are of nature and the stars. That in order to fully embody what makes us whole, we must honor our interconnection with the natural world as above so below.
By weaving together astrology, Earth-based medicine, and the quantum realm, we begin to come home to ourselves in attunement with our unique energetic blueprint and dharmic path.
This might sound like a mystical experience reserved for only some women (you know the ones). But the truth is, it exists for all of us and it’s playing out right now, whether you’re in co-creation with it or not.
So why not get in the driver’s seat?
Subscribers are receiving :
The Cosmic Conceptions Podcast straight to their inbox.
Teachings on Cosmic Fertility for easy integration and application.
Full Moon Womb Analysis and Lunar Herbal Infusions.
Foundational education on Women’s health through Earth-based medicine.
Feeling a little extra? Paying subscribers are getting:
Access to all the podcast bonus material.
M°AMA: An audio Q&A series.
My deeply personal Cosmic Conception Diaries in which I document my path to baby N°2.
Live access to the Cosmic Connection Circles and replays.
My name is Athena.
I’m the woman behind the wisdom.
It’s been four years since the birth of my daughter inspired me to walk the radical path of sovereign womanhood. Through this journey I’ve expanded my expertise in the realms of women’s health, birth, postpartum, and fertility as opportunities for spiritual and personal growth that don’t require the governance or pathology of ‘the system’.
My intention in nurturing this space, and this work as it evolves through me, is to align with the highest expression of my soul’s purpose in order to guide women through their healing so that collectively we may all return to the female-centered ways of life that facilitate peace on Earth.
May it be so.