I believe that all Women know, deep down, that where we’ve found ourselves isn’t normal.
That instead of being pummeled year after year by the choices of our lives, by hormones, and children and menopause, by the engagement we continue to have with systems of oppression and abuse, perhaps there is instead a better way.
The following post had more engagement than anything I’ve published to my Instagram feed so far this year.
Not because Women were celebrating their lush fertility and beaming vitality despite years of monthly bleeds and many children, but because they saw themselves in the suffering that it illuminated.
Neglect. Abuse. Abandonment. Indifference.
These are the cues that exist at the root of the body's decline.
It's not your age.
It's not your children.
It's not your hormones.
It's not even your genes.
It's in the repeated and persistent ways
you do or do not show up for your body.
The ways in which you break the guidelines.
The ways in which you think and speak.
The ways in which you betray yourself.
Over and over again.
The anxious, obedient, self-abandoning Maiden.
The neurotic, fatigued, self-sacrificing Mother.
The bitter, withering, self-deprecating Crone.
These are the archetypes that Women are programmed to embody.
Each one accompanied by a deeper and further decline of the body.
Each one taught to blame the biblical curse that is being Female.
Systemically designed to take you further and further away from yourself and the infinite field of possibility that awaits you.
That is…
A spectacular spectrum of healing and vitality. From womb to tomb.
I want you to imagine with me what it would look like for Women to put themselves first, in a new and radical way.
One that draws from their sovereignty and blooms through their innate ability to heal, conceive, give birth, and thrive.
A way that doesn’t need permission, authorities, white coats, or drugs.
Just a cosmically centered, Earth-based, and most importantly—Female way of living.
The vision is near, can you see it too?