The vital force. Prana. Chi.
The essence of what makes us living is the presence of energy in the electromagnetic ecosystems we call our bodies.
Oftentimes this energy is presented as a black and white entity: you either have a strong vital force or a weak one.
But not all energy is created equal and we are all imprinted by our unique energy blueprints, as reflected in the cosmos.
When looking at the natal chart, the placements of the Sun and Moon are going to give us the first clues about the quality of our vital force.
Think of the Sun as the source and quality of your chi. It represents the nature of your battery pack and therefore, what you’re drawing energy from.
The Moon speaks to the flow of our chi. It represents how that Sun energy will be distributed throughout the body.
Together, they form a unique makeup that shapes how you experience your energy and your healing.
In honor of Gemini Season, let’s take a look at the vital force in Gemini.
The Vital Force is a bit scattered in this sign and it’s not unusual for these natives to feel easily ungrounded. Although it has the potential to be strong, it wanes to the degree that these individuals run themselves into the ground. If Geminis had any interest in taking care of themselves they would be quite healthy, but they rarely do!
A Gemini’s nervous system and lungs need proper nourishment and attention. They are prone to lingering illnesses and need to be tended to at the onset of symptoms, especially those related to the respiratory system.
The Moon in this sign distributes the vital force irregularly and in a nervous manner, akin to a “changeable breeze.” [Hill] Energy is funneled mostly to the nervous system, hands, and communication centers. Gemini Moons do well to work with nerve tonics and avoid chemical drugs.
The Sun’s placement is going to be particularly influential for Men, while the Moon’s placement is going to be more influential for Women.
A “double Gemini” (or someone with both their Sun and Moon in Gemini) would likely have a volatile Vital Force that channels with great inconsistency. They are likely to lean towards the Ayurvedic Vata expression, although there are other components to the chart that could sway this. The Gemini archetype tends to present a facade of strong masculine energy, but they need quite a bit of babying when it comes to their health and are prone to various anxieties, whether suppressed or outwardly expressed.