FULL WORM MOON Lunar Eclipse in Libra
A Womb Analysis & Lunar Herbal Infusion for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra during March of 2024.
I’m sending this report out a little early this moonth as a reminder that the Eclipse Portal is opening tonight—or Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 3AM ET! If you want a refresh on Eclipse Seasons and specifically the Libra/Aries Axis, click the link below.
March 25, 2024 3:00 am (Eastern)
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
Libra Moons are easy-going, balanced, and allow the vital force to “rest” [Hill] despite Libra’s Cardinal Air qualities. You’ll notice the Moon is the only planet in the Southern Hemisphere of the chart, making her particularly influential to this Astral Body. This chart is otherwise dominated by energies from both Pisces and Aries with fairly equal influence, leaving us to wonder which archetype would be most present for this native. We might be able to assume that their constitution would be nicely balanced between the four elements and that their Aries placements would be grounded by their Libra Moon and Capricorn Ascendant. There are numerous harmonious aspects between the planets, with Venus and the Sun both in their signs of Exaltation, creating a generally pleasant and co-operative atmosphere.
I have no reason to believe this womb would have fertility challenges, but if this chart were presented to me under that circumstance, I might honor the general nature of the Libra constitution—which is particularly sensitive to experiencing hormonal disturbances due to environmental inputs—given the presence of the South Node in that sign (which impacts the kidneys and hormones, as well as sugar addictions) and the highly influential singleton Moon.
It’s also of note that while Jupiter in the 5th House can signal an abundance of children, this placement is closely conjunct Uranus, which may indicate those children will manifest unexpectedly or in unexpected ways.
Nettles 🜄♂︎, Red Raspberry Leaf 🜄♀︎, & Ginger 🜃☉
This trio provides a balancing influence from both Venus and Mars while anchoring in to the warming and grounding energy of Sun-ruled Ginger. Nettles and Red Raspberry are tried and true sisters for women’s fertility, providing support for the kidneys, the womb, and the hormonal matrix with their mineral and vitamin rich leaves. Ginger plays a role in balancing blood sugar as well as the estrogen/progesterone dynamic, and can be added according to taste and constitutional requirements.
It’s important to remember that the plants are here to support us, not carry us. Lifestyle, emotional, and spiritual work—among other tools—weave our herbal allies into a truly holistic journey to health.
Receive a cosmic fertility analysis and custom herbal recipes when you book (IN)FERTILE MOON: Fertility Astrology Counseling for Women on Cosmic Conception Journeys.