A Womb Analysis & Lunar Herbal Infusion for the Full Moon in Leo during January of 2024.
January 25, 2024 12:54 pm (Eastern)
Full Moon in Leo square Jupiter
Hot & Dry
A Leo Moon is a hot Moon, and with key constitutional players positioned in the dry signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, we might expect this womb to be on the warm and dry side (amplifying Pitta in Ayurveda).
A Pitta—or excessively hot—menstruation might express:
Excess bleeding.
Bright red blood with clots.
Long bleeds.
Sweating and poor smells.
Burning sensations.
Fever, migraines, skin rashes, diarrhea.
Irritability, anger, fatigue.
Increased appetite.
Cravings for sweet or spicy food.
A womb receiving this close square from Jupiter may also speak her mind through excess tissue in the form of cysts, lumps, and fibroids. Another key medical placement in this chart is the exact quincunx from Saturn, which casts challenging rays to the Moon (although not necessarily cooling in this instance).
It’s of note that Leo Moons are quite prideful and often have trouble asking for help or receiving medical care when needed. Jupiter will amplify this pridefulness.
A fertility journey with these placements may be challenging. This native will need to be willing to slow down, embrace self-care, and practice asking for help.
Marshmallow🜄☽, Motherwort🜂♀︎ & Yarrow🜂♀︎
Note: the infusion this month is intended for pelvic steaming. This triplet will lovingly sooth a hot and dry womb. With Marshmallow as the primary hydrator, Motherwort and Yarrow offer bitter cooling energy to the Pitta conditions of this chart. Yarrow will be especially helpful for menstruations that have long or excessive bleeds. With her affinity for the heart space, Motherwort delivers medicine to the prideful and guarded nature of Leo Moons.
Receive a cosmic fertility analysis and custom herbal recipes when you book (IN)FERTILE MOON: Fertility Astrology Counseling for Women on Cosmic Conception Journeys.
Women's Power to Heal: Through Inner Medicine by Maya Tiwari
Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology by Judith A. Hill
Beautiful Art Prints by A. Andrew Gonzalez
Oh boy have I been feeling this full moon. My sun is in Leo and I am already on the hot dry side constitutionally. These days I’ve been burningggg emotionally. That feline animal in me has been growling and biting every which way. Feeling it beginning to settle now and through this more settled perspective I realize how hotly I’ve been reacting to things. Humbling haha.