A Womb Analysis & Lunar Herbal Infusion for the Full Moon in Virgo during February of 2024.
February 24, 2024 7:31 am (Eastern)
Full Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter, opposite Mercury and Saturn.
Cool, Dry, Tense
Virgo Moons usually facilitate a dry womb, however there’s significant influence from the Water element in this chart which brings moisture to the overall constitution. As Earth signs tend to run cool—and there’s virtually no influence from the Fire element—we might consider warming practices for this womb while being mindful not to dry it out. A steaming practice is a wonderful way to bring both heat and moisture to the pelvic tissues.
Saturn and Mercury are both in challenging opposition to this astral womb, which can easily pull the Virgo Moon into her shadows of nervousness and rigidity. A Saturn opposition is also a mirror for potential healing expressions, although Jupiter’s trine feels especially protective in this Piscean dynamic.
As a Pisces Sun and Rising with Neptune conjunct the Ascendent by 2°, this native will likely benefit from grounding practices, plenty of sleep, and special attention to nutrition and digestion (a Virgo Moon further challenges digestion by being easily emotionally disturbed).
We can see great psychic potential in this astral body, if the native is willing to lean in to their energetic needs and maintain mastery of their personal whole body healing.
Oatstraw🜁☽ & Ginger🜃☉
This balancing pair brings both moisture and warmth to the cool and dry Virgo womb. Oatstraw (or fresh Oat Tops) is our sweet sister to the nervous system and will provide much needed nourishment for this easily stressed Moon placement. Ginger, a Sun-ruled rhizome, provides inspiration for a disturbed digestion and other Virgo Moon complaints. The flavor profile for this infusion can be adjusted depending on how spicy you prefer your infusions, simply adjust the ratio of Oats to Ginger.
Receive a cosmic fertility analysis and custom herbal recipes when you book (IN)FERTILE MOON: Fertility Astrology Counseling for Women on Cosmic Conception Journeys.
Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology by Judith A. Hill