FULL FLOWER MOON in Sagittarius
A Womb Analysis & Lunar Herbal Infusion for the Full Moon in Sagittarius during May of 2024.
May 23, 2024 9:53 pm (Eastern)
Full Moon in Sagittarius opposite a Venus/Jupiter conjunction
Hot & Dry
This chart is warming and drying with key Air sign placements fanning the flames and keeping things interesting. A Sagittarius womb is known to run hot and this one is receiving opposition from Venus and Jupiter (conjunct!) at the other end of the wheel. How might this play out?
Venus and Jupiter both love the sweetness and richness of life, so when they come together you can expect temperance to be a useful skill. An augmented Venus might lead to relaxed tissue states, while an amplified Jupiter might lead to growths. This native could experience scant bleeding (due to a womb that is too weak to efficiently expel blood), may be prone to prolapse, or struggle with cysts or fibroids.
We’re going to want to cool down, tone, and moisten this Moon with a specialized yoni steaming blend (scroll down)!
Mars remedies are usually applied to bring balance to Venus while Saturn remedies are usually applied to bring balance to Jupiter, however we don’t want to use Mars here since this Astral Body is already quite warm. Saturn feels like an appropriate antidote to the conjunction as a whole in terms of his rulership over minerals, astringents, and boundaries (applied mainly to personal habits).
It’s of note that an opposition in the chart reflects “tug of war” type energy, so the effects of Venus and Jupiter may come and go over time. This requires a devotion to self-care that is constitutionally appropriate and sustainable.
Oatstraw ☽🜁, Marshmallow ☽🜄, & Lady’s Mantle♀︎🜄
I really want to steam this Moon so here’s a simple triplet that will target our main goal to cool, tone, and moisten this Sagittarian womb! We’re bringing in Lunar plants to help her gain control of her challenging opposition, while also working mainly with the Water element. Although Oatstraw is ruled by Air, I find that “like treats like” when it comes to this element, since Air plants often work on the nervous system, which is deeply affected by Air excess. Lady’s Mantle is also a “like treats like” plant, since her association with Venus is found in her ability to bring balance to Venusian excess due to her astringent properties.
It’s important to remember that the plants are here to support us, not carry us. Lifestyle, emotional, and spiritual work—among other tools—weave our herbal allies into a truly holistic journey to health.
All my 1:1 clients receive a cosmic fertility analysis and custom herbal recipes to support their unique journey to Motherhood.