Allopathic medicine loves testing—or as I see it, pathological medicine loves to find something wrong with you. After all, how else will it make itself useful?
But testing is a flawed process.
No exam, blood draw, or imaging technology is ever 100% correct.
(I spoke a little about this over on Instagram.)
In fact, most of them are notoriously *incorrect* and can lead to misdiagnoses that cause more harm than healing.
Case in point: literally every test industrial medicine uses to sabotage pregnant Women.
Not only are the diagnostic tools flawed themselves—but the human body itself is an energetic field that responds and adapts to its environment, both immediate (think artificial lighting, EMFs, social interactions, etc.) and celestial.
Wait, what? Yep. Celestial.
If your transits are impacting how successfully you conceive, then one has to wonder, are the planets fucking up your blood work?
Let’s explore a few transits that might be influencing your physiology, and therefore, your test results:
Venus rules estrogen, that juicy feminine hormone that seems to be plaguing Women left and right under the umbrella of “estrogen dominance.” If you’re doing blood work to check those levels, be conscious of which day in your cycle you’re pulling that number from. Your estrogen levels on day 1 of your period are going to look very different than the day before you ovulate (and believe it or not, some doctors don’t take this into consideration at all when interpreting your labs.)
Aside from the natural fluctuations of your hormonal cycle, estrogen can be influenced by a couple Venus transits as well.
Transiting Venus conjunct your natal North Node or your Ascendant can increase estrogen levels. Traditionally in Fertility Astrology, this transit is considered benevolent—and even ideal for a couple TTC—however, with estrogen epidemically on the rise in our current culture, this might not be a “good” thing for some Women.
This one’s for the fellas! Most couples trying to conceive with no luck will get their partner’s sperm tested first as it’s the least invasive step that can be taken to look for an answer. For cosmic influences on this, we turn to Mars.
Transiting Mars conjunct the natal North Node is known to increase sperm counts. Thus, it can be assumed that a transiting Mars conjunct the natal South Node will decrease sperm counts.
I have one case study through (IN)FERTILE MOON in which a partner’s sperm count was on the lower end during a Mars & South Node conjunction.
Saturn just loves to cruise through and shake everything up for us, doesn’t he? We have a few things to consider with this planet.
Transiting Saturn in hard aspect to the natal Moon is going to depress the vital force and impact the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients effectively. If you’re running labs to check for things like vitamins and minerals during this transit, don’t be hard on yourself if the numbers don’t look the way you want (they don’t mean so much even on your good days, I promise you!)
Transit Saturn conjunct Venus is a testimony for reduced female hormone levels and may even play a role in the perimenopausal period of Women in that season of their life. Transit Saturn conjunct Mars is going to play a role in reducing male hormones.
It’s important to keep an eye on the Nodes as these portals can really have an impact on the energy coming in and out of the chart (and therefore, the body.) Any larger, slower planet transiting the North Node will potentially see an excess of its energy enter the chart, while a transit over the South Node will potentially drain that planet’s qualities out of the chart. For example, if Saturn (who rules minerals) is conjunct your South Node while you get mineral testing done (or was positioned there for a time before you got testing done), the results may appear less than optimal.
These influences may also explain why some people feel terrible even though their test results look “fine.” For example, when transiting South Node crosses the natal Ascendant, the individual may feel unexplainably fatigued even through blood work can’t find anything “wrong” with them.
The human body is an incredibly dynamic and energetic organism that often can’t be quantified or explained through testing. I encourage all my clients to feel into their lived experience, rather than identify with numbers that were served to them on paper.
If you’re at a place on your healing or fertility journey in which testing is an option for you, I invite you to check into the energetics of your decision as a starting place before learning what you need to fully understand the test in question—and of course!—checking your transits before you make the appointment 💫
Do you feel obligated based on someone else's expectations?
Is there guilt surrounding your decision?
Are you seeking information out of fear?
- or -
Are you genuinely curious about what your body needs to tell you?
Do you want information that might bring clarity to your unique experience?
Is your intuition guiding your path forward?
As usual, none of this is medical advice! (Along with all the other enriching details we can explore 1:1 😉)
Tap the heart. eave a comment. You know what to do.
All my love,